Monday, December 30, 2019
Aed 201 Week 6 - 781 Words
Axia College Material Appendix C Rights and Responsibilities of Educators and Students Perform a search in the University Library databases and locate four school-related court cases (with outcomes decided), two which involve educators as defendants and two which involve students as defendants. Fill in the table below. When you give your informed opinion, state and discuss whether you agree or disagree with the outcome. Base your opinion on legal and ethical standards as discussed in Ch. 9 of the text. If you do not agree with the outcome, explain what would have been just. Base your explanation upon the rights and responsibilities of those involved. Cite your sources in APA format below the table. |Name and Date of Case†¦show more content†¦The student held a banner stating |of other students and has a right to stop anything that is causing a | |Name of Case: Morse v. Frederick |â€Å"bong hits for Jesus.†The principal in this case went |disruption of other students. | | |across the street and confiscated the banner and | | | |suspended the student for 10 days. The later ruling by | |Show MoreRelatedHow Technology Affects Consumer Behaviour?14761 Words  | 60 PagesNovember-December, 2007. The total number of respondents was 172, both sexes. The questionnaire contained 6 question groups all oriented on range of parameters. The resume of the survey is described below. According to the survey the target group uses the internet tools for: 1.E-mailing (99%); 2.Information search (89%); 3.Social Portals, Peer Group activities (74%); 4.Online banking (68%); 5.Skyping (66%); 6.E-shopping (43%). According to the results of this research and researches done before by other companiesRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pages MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the Web at Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, e-mail: Limit of LiabilityDisclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Storu- Animal Farm - 2755 Words
The story of Animal Farm is a political allegory of the situation of the communist Soviet Union. The author of the story George Orwell attempts to describe the events of the communist Russia and the bloody Revolutions through the characters of the Animal Farm. The novel introduces the story of a an animal farm which is being used to destroy the living of the animals by competing for the power in the governance of the farm which leaves the farm shattered in the end. It also depicts that how democracies are being detracted while autocracy and tyranny takes its place in the society to corrode the democratic systems. The allegorical characters of Napoleon and Snowball stand in replacement of Stalin and Trotsky, Boxer represents the common working class in the communist Soviet Union and the character of Old Major is the depiction of Marx. All these allegorical descriptions are being analyzed in the paper. The story in a disguise reveals the international relations and world politics at t he time of communism. The paper aims to analyze the novel from the political perspective while taking into account the prospective of Boxer, overview of the entire system and the perspective of the common people. Orwell was born in 1903 to British migrants in Bengal, India; he received his learning and education at an arrangement of private schools, incorporating Eton, England’s elite school. His frightful encounters with social elitism and gaudiness at Eton, and his close commonality with the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Drama Script About Office Free Essays
string(64) " to tear down the old neighborhood around the department store\." â€Å"OFFICE WORKERS†Cast: * Den Mae Pangilinan as Cheng Shi( in Sales Department ) * Cristine Joise Causo as Ms. Quin (Manager of Sales Department) * Analyn Miranda as Lee Min/ Rhen Yue ( in HR Department ) (VP in Merchandising) * Jennica Dela Cruz as Jing Shi ( CEO ) * Jeffrey Nartates as Mr. Roy (in Sales Department) * Joseph Dela Cruz as Patrick Li ( Manager in Merchandising Department ) * Angelica Javate as Lyn Shao ( VP ) * Gracielle Ann Garcia as Ms. We will write a custom essay sample on Drama Script About Office or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rhue ( Employee ) * Charmaine Dela Cruz as Ms. Yao ( Assistant Manager of Manager in Merchandising Dep’t. * Joanalene Tanangonan as Ms. Yi ( Secretary of Jing Shi ) Directed by: Group 5 Submitted to: Mrs. Jennifer G. Fronda SYNOPSIS: Cheng Shi is a MBA graduate who has everything handed to her because she is the future successor of Jingshi Department Store. However, her mother worries she will not make a good manager and decides to train her by having him work as an entry-level employee for a year. During the year she has to live on her own salary and never reveal her true identity, or she will have to renounce his succession right. Shi could not have survived the year has it not been for Mr. Roy’s office survival guide. Mr. Roy is a Jingshi marketing specialist who has just saved her first Php 50, 000 for the down payment on a house. She works very hard to achieve her goal. Together, Roy and Cheng accomplish the impossible, which is to shine on the bottom of the office pyramid. SCENE 1: Narration Narrator: My name is Christian Roy, an employee in Sales Department of Jing Shi Department Store. I’ve been in the workforce for four years, never treat others, don’t buy clothes that cost more than Php. 1, 000, don’t go to the movies, don’t go to KTV (Karaoke), don’t take the taxi, I’m so frugal because I want to buy my own house where mom and I can live in. Today is the day I’ve been anticipating most. Heaven sees all our hard work. As an office boy, I swallow my pride, endure and suffer through anything, work overtime everyday and don’t feel tired, never fight back when my boss yells at me, Im frugal with my money, and from my limited income, I’ve saved first 50, 000 pesos of my life. Although this 50, 000 pesos is just a little dent in the global economy, it’s a big step in my life. This 50, 000 pesos put me one step closer to my dream of buying a house. Some people may think that the life of an office boy is very boring, but I don’t think so one bit. I love WORKING! (AT THE OFFICE) ( 8:00 am ) Ms. Quin: Hey! Ms. Lee Min, may I ask what you are doing? Let me see what you are holding? -Ohh.. you aren’t trying to clock in for Christian Roy from Sales, are you? Ms. Min: of course not, manager. -I’m afraid that once Roy get’s here, he won’t be able to find her card, so I’m holding it for him. Ms. Quin: What are you holding when he’s not here! Clocking in for others is seriously against company policy. You’re in the HR Department and you didn’t know that rule? I don’t want to complain about you young ones, we all work hard to†¦ Ms. Min: Manager, there’s a hot guy. Ms. Quin: Where’s the guy? (Min will get the card of Roy on the hand of manager. Roy will clock in at exactly 8:00 am) Mr. Roy: Yes! (Dance) Ms. Quin: That’s enough. Mr. Roy, you got lucky. If not, I was thinking that your history of four years of perfect attendance would have been ruined. Mr. Roy: Manager, from now on, I’ll leave my house earlier. Ms. Quin: In the afternoon, I’m having a meeting with the CEO. Hurry and prepare the past three months of sales performance report and put it on my desk. Ok? Mr. Roy: Manager! But isn’t it your responsibility to gather the sales report for meeting? Ms. Quin: oh yeah! (smile) Of course that’s something that I, as manager, have to report. But you’re responsible in gathering the data. Get on it! Now! (The steps of Ms. Quin would cross Ms. Min) Ms. Quin: Move! (Ms. Min will act threateningly to Ms. Quin) SCENE 2: AT THE OFFICE OF MANAGER (AFTERNOON) Ms. Quin: I told you to prepare a sales report and you really did gather all this crap for me. Take a look. The numbers are so squished and condensed; CEO will get angry at the sight of it. (angry) (sigh) didn’t I tell you before? Pick a few goals, think of some slogan, so when everyone’s in the meeting, ‘ho hey’ or â€Å"wow†all the managers will applaud you and say that you’re the best. Here, do it again. Look for yourself, such a thick stack, are you turning in a thesis? Listen carefully. The version that you redo cannot be more than two A4 pages. Put it on my desk when you’re done. Got it? Mr. Roy: yes! I got it. Ms. Quin: I still have a few more meetings. (exit) SCENE 3: (AIRPORT) Ms. Cheng Shi: Ms. Yi, I’m here. Which car are you driving to pick me up? What? I don’t care. If it doesn’t fit, that’s your problem. (Angry) Gossh. become irritated) Background Music (Department Store) Ms. Yi: Good morning Maam. Ms. Cheng Shi: Why did you bring me to the department store? Ms. Yi: The President told me to bring you here directly. Ms. Cheng Shi: Why’s she so impatient? Can’t she let me first take a rest? She isn’t wanting t o discuss my inheriting the company, is she? Ms. Yi: I’m not sure maam. SCENE 4: CEO OFFICE Ms. Cheng Shi: Mom. Did you take a look at the proposal which I mailed you before I returned? Great, isn’t it? Ms. Jing Shi: I looked at it. Of course I looked at it. It’s the proposal that wanted to tear down the old neighborhood around the department store. You read "Drama Script About Office" in category "Essay examples" From now on, you’ll start at the bottom of the company. Work hard. Cheng Shi: Stop kidding around. The point of sending me to the US to get an MBA is so that I can inherit the company and become the CEO. I’m ready! Ms. Jing Shi: You’re ready†¦ for what? Are you ready to ruin my life’s work? Your studying in the US, tell me how much of my money you spent! Other people can get their degree in two years. You took five years. When you were a student, you didn’t wake up in the day and didn’t sleep at night. Exactly what you were doing, think I don’t know? Ms. Cheng Shi: Mom, I admit that in the past, I liked to play a little too much. But right now, I’m set on expanding the business. I understand your intention to have me start from the bottom. I can make do with starting from Manager. Ms. Jing Shi: Manager? Ms. Cheng: Yes. Ms. Jing Shi: All right. From now on, you are the new employee in the Sales Department of Jing Shi Department Store. Go and start as an assistant. Ms. Cheng: No, Manager. Ms. Jing: Start as an assistant. In the future, you can only spend the money that you earn. And you must sign these five clauses. One, you must not reveal your identity at the company. Two, your year-end performance must be above â€Å"very good†. Three, you can’t use my money. You can’t use your credit card. Four, you can’t live at home. Five, you can’t reveal this contract. If within a year you haven’t violated this contract, then I will consider your inheritance of this company. Ms. Cheng: What if I violate the contract? Ms. Jing: Then, that means you don’t have the ability to survive in the workforce, so don’t even talk about managing. Why are you laughing? Ms. Cheng: What did I do that made you look down on me? I don’t want to inherit the company anymore, all right? SCENE 5: CEO OFFICE (Knocking the door) CEO (Ms. Jing): come in. Ms. Shao: President CEO: you’ve worked with me the longest. You understand my daughter too. I think that you would agree my decision. Will you help me to discipline my daughter and take the opportunities I offered to her? Ms. Shao: (agree) CEO: Jing Shi Department Store is like my daughter. I don’t want to ruin her life and to destroy her of the other. Ms. Shao: Don’t worry. Leave it to me. CEO: Thank you. SCENE 6: HR DEPARTMENT ( AT THE VP OFFICE) Ms. Shao: Cheng, your mother sent you abroad to study, not to play. MS. Cheng: I did. I even got my diploma. (take a coffee) all she wanted was that diploma. Ms. Shao: let me tell you, your mother is serious this time. If you show her good results†¦ Ms. Cheng: Auntie Shao, you’ve worked with her more than 10 years, you don’t know her past time, do you? She takes great joy in rejecting me. No matter how good a job I do, she’ll never be satisfied. I sometimes question whether I’m her biological daughter. Ms. Shao: of course you are! Why am I telling you all this? (sigh) then use your actions to prove to your mother that she’s wrong. This is your contract (give the pen) unless you don’t have the guts. Oh. And from now on please call me â€Å"VP Shao†Ms. Cheng: Yes VP Shao. May I ask if you have any other orders? Ms. Shao: yes. This is your account book. Also Mr. Ralph has already rented a house for you. From now on, you have to move out and live on your own. The keys and address are inside. Ms. Cheng: (open the envelop) 5, 000? Is it dollars or euro? Ms. Shao: Philippine peso Ms. Cheng: Impossible! Ms. Shao: Possible! Ms. Cheng: My expense for one night is more than 3, 000! Ms. Shao: you should know this is the first time the company’s paid a salary in advance. Your future salary will be deducted to reflect that. You have to understand. The company’s been in business for more than ten years. This is the first time that an employee’s been paid in advance. So you should manage your money wisely. So, what do you think? You can’t afford to play this game? Ms. Cheng: (smile) can I not? Ms. Shao: of course. Then I call you this in future? Ms. Cheng: call me what? Ms. Shao: sissy. Ms. Cheng: I’ll play with her. (sign to contract) SCENE 7: SALES DEPARTMENT Ms. Quin: Mr. Christian Roy! What is this? Look, this page is filled with tiny characters. If you’re so good with small font sizes, why don’t you edit a dictionary? Mr. Roy: (sigh) I’ve already tried my best to focus on the important points, but there is too much data. 2 pages of A4 is not enough. Ms. Quin: A4 was just an example. Take it as an example. Got it? What are you trying to say by making the font so small? Do you want me to hold magnifying glass when I report it to the CEO? How can you comprehension be so low? Mr. Roy: then let me go and increase the size. Ms. Quin: no. never mind. Since, you’ve already done it, got to the meeting with me. Mr. Roy: Meeting? Ms. Quin: What? Are you questioning me? I’m letting you see for yourself how we high class managers hold an inter department meeting. If you aren’t at a certain level, you can’t even attend. It’s your luck to be able to go with me. Cherish and seize this opportunity, got it? Remember, after we go in, only speak when I tell you to. Don’t start a fire for me! Mr. Roy: yes sir. Ms. Quin: move. Move! Get on it. SCENE 8: SALES DEPARTMENT Ms. Quin: What? Did you go to the wrong department again? Ms. Min: Manager Quin.. this is the new employee in the Sales Department, Cheng Shi. This is her resume. Then, she’s all yours. Bye. Ms. Quin: bye.. , Ms. Cheng. Ms. Cheng: yes? Ms. Quin: you studied management. Ms. Cheng: yes. Ms. Quin: hey.. Ms. Cheng: yes? Ms. Quin: if you sent directly from HR, it means you have some connections. Tell me, what’s your connection? Ms. Cheng: I applied for the position myself. No one referred me. Ms. Quin: then listen to me Ms. Cheng Shi. The ost important department in Jing Shi Department is our Sales Department. Under my great and fine guidance, we have the highest performance of all departments. Ok. Ms Shin, do you really think that just because your last name is â€Å"Shin†, you’re the relative of the president or something? Hello no! the sales goal fo r our department is â€Å"do what I tell you to†ok? Hey you (pointing out Roy) this newbie is your responsibility. Mr. Roy: ok. She’s in good hands (Shin will step closer to Ms. Lou) Let me first introduce to you our co-workers. Ms. Cheng: it’s time for my lunch. (back out) Mr. Roy: hey Cheng, its working hours, where are you going? Ms. Cheng: I already told you, to lunch! It’s almost noon. Mr. Roy: I was introducing your co-workers and you didn’t care. Is that the attitude a Newbie should have? Ms. Cheng: then may I ask you what attitude should a newbie have? Mr. Roy: respect your boss! Ms. Cheng: so it doesn’t matter whether the boss is right or wrong, everyone should shut up and blindly follow. That shouldn’t be called respect. Mr. Roy: Oh my! I don’t care. Anyway, manager wants me in charge. If you perform badly, I’m responsible. Ms. Cheng: I’m really hungry. If you have anything to say do it over lunch!. Mr. Roy: grr.. SCENE 8: CONVENTION OFFICE CEO: Jing Shi Department Store has always been the top performer of the department store industry. But this season, our sales have slumped badly. The gap between our sales and other five big department stores is narrowing. About this, I believe that each department has already come up with a proposal to reverse this trend. Manager Patrick Li, you go first. Mr. Li: Director, the Merchandising Department has always been able to attract the top brands. Of course, in the future we will to expand our market share. However, the performance of Sales department.. (Smile) the companies that we work with have all had problems. CEO: where’s VP Cruz of Sales? Ms. Quin: Director, VP Cruz has taken the day-off, so I, Ms. Quin, am temporarily taking her spot today. CEO: then does Sales have any thoughts on the matter? Ms. Quin: we do. The Sales Department is â€Å"always be ready†. Christian Roy will report to you. Mr. Roy: Manager, you didn’t ask me to prepare anything. Ms. Quin: I don’t care whether or not you’re prepared. Go for it! Here yes. Mr. Roy: Director, after a long observation period conducted by our department, we found that the companies we work with also work with many other stores. This means the brands lack exclusiveness. Ms. Yao: Ms. Lou, the Merchandising Department has already brought in world-class brands. If you don’t think that’s enough, please describe in detail what has to be done, so that we can improve. Mr. Roy: ahh.. hmm. Sorry Director but I don’t know we need first to conduct a new proposal again. Ms. Yue: Ms. Lou, don’t tell me you only have ideas but no concrete plan of action? How about this? CEO: Sales Department will take care of this case. Now, Mr. Quin how many days do you need? SCENE 9: SALES DEPARTMENT Ms. Rhue: hey, why did you started a fire and in front of Director too? What we need to do now? Mr. Roy: I was just giving an example. Who knew things would turn this way? Ms. Yao: You’re so pitiful Cristine Lou. You’re really a girl we should care about. I have an idea that could help you. Mr. Roy: how? Ms. Yao: easy. Just make an appointment with other competent store.. Ms. Cheng: (laugh) are you kidding Ms. Yao? Do you know guys why sales in the company have fallen? Mr. Roy: who knows? Ms. Cheng: because employee like you guys. You’re either stupid (staring at Lou), take pleasure in other misfortune (looking at Ms. Yao), complain after the fact (looking at Rhue), or have the attitude that it’s best to keep to yourself. I’d be shocked if the company’s sales increased. Mr. Roy: (take a coffee) excuse me. Ms. Yao: besides criticizing and complaining, is there anything else you can do? Ms. Rhue: Correct! Ms. Cheng: I really want to do something, but I don’t have the opportunity. Ms. Rhue: there are opportunities. How could there be none? You can help Cristine Lou to settle this issue. Ms. Cheng: Please take responsibility for your own action. Not my doing. Mr. Roy: Ms. Cheng Shin, I don’t need a newbie who flips through magazines during office hours to help me. Ms. Cheng: thank God. I don’t have any interest in helping a boss who has only experience but no capability. Mr. Roy: what did you say? SCENE 10: NARRATION Ms. Cheng made a secret proposal that can solve the company’s problem. All staffs and employers applaud Ms. Cheng for her great ideas and she is now promoted as the manager replacing its old one which is Ms. Quin. Ms. Cheng experienced some problems but only Roy helps her to come up. That’s why they became friends. Lately, Ms. Jing Shi becomes more proud to her daughter. Christian Roy is not the best or the hardest worker, neither is he the worst. They enjoy working because it gives him the money to enjoy life. They are the new generation of office workers. Ending: Dance Craze How to cite Drama Script About Office, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Information Systems for Business Professionals System
Question: Discuss about the Information Systems for Business Professionals System. Answer: Introduction The main objective of this report is to provide answers for some key business areas in terms of information technology. This assignment is based on a case study of Springfield Animal Hospital that is owned by Nigel Taylor. This animal hospital provides medications to pets kept by the residents living in the locality. When the business advanced, the owner Nigel began to face challenges in dealing with his business. Issue also arose when there was a lack of sufficient staffs in the hospital. Until further notice he understood, no one but information technology could help him in dealing with his business legitimately. He needs an upgraded information technology programming so he could manage issues and difficulties confronted by Springfield Animal Hospital. In any case, he does have much information in the IT field, is looking for assistance from IT expert, and needs to find the solution of a few inquiries so she can maintain her business easily and logically. Henceforth, this report tr ies to locate an important writing on the premise of which we could look to address his issues. At the same time, this specific task centers around looking for sufficient literature analysis that will help addressing the issues discussed. The structure of this paper will be presented in a form of annotated bibliography that will provide answers to address. This assignment deals with the analysis of seven unique literary sources that will help to address the issues mentioned in the case study. The assignment is structured by including an annotated bibliography that includes the seven literary sources and using the theories described in them, the case study is assessed and the questions at the end of the case study have been addressed accordingly. The aim of conducting an annotated bibliography is to gather different ideas from different authors in order to understand contextual investigation based on the provided case study. From the case study, it can be seen that SAH has both business and the business framework issues. The main problem areas are programming administration with existing information system, system development, data estimation and communication systems. The chosen article helps to analyze the situation and address the situation in the selected domain. This is important for SAH to gain a suitable business area in the animal healthcare business and manage all the business operations efficiently (Question 2). This chosen article explains different types of programming frameworks that are associated with the business systems of different organizations. The information system is used in business systems to store records, process data as well as execute computerized business operations. Use of information systems not only reduce manual workload but also increase accuracy of the operations. Moreover, it significantly reduces the risk of storing client information and records in physical storage devices as these devices may get damaged anytime. Information system provides virtual storage interface where the records and data are stored safely. Question 7 can be addressed with the help of this chosen article. In this article, the authors describe about the different challenges in business organizations faced by all the related stakeholders in terms of the moral and ethical issues. Most of these ethical issues are related to the existing security and communication system prevalent in the business organization. The chosen article emphasizes on different cases all over the world where one type of service is promised and another type of service is provided. Not only this is lack of communication by also it is a deliberate manual error. This can be solved by using dedicated information system that can address the issue and execute the operations automatically instead of manually. This article is chosen as it contains sufficient information regarding some moral issues associated with the information systems and business models. At the same time the article brings up different issues, for example, what are the moral issues identified with internet business, how they are unique in relation to the morals identified with conventional business, and how they can be tended to and so forth. Some moral issues that have identified are breaking of the standards and rules, poor customer-company relationship, security issues, breaking of trust and others. These issues can seriously damage the overall reputation of the business organization and it may lose its place in the market. The chosen article emphasizes on different cases all over the world where one type of service is promised and another type of service is provided. The information system is used in business systems to store records, process data as well as execute computerized business operations. Use of informati on systems not only reduce manual workload but also increase accuracy of the operations. The researchers investigate the case utilizing logical writing examination and case examination technique, to attempt to distinguish how the markdown e-shopping site illicitly offering the brand of "Ariel" has a place with American organization which is considered as a genuine ethical issue. As expressed in the article, Nigel Taylors clients are pulling in to other animal healthcare providers in light of administration disappointment and her inadequacy in managing the healthcare business due to lack of healthcare staffs. SAH has distinctive mistake issues, test to contend in a market, the request on telephone calls couldn't be overseen because of absence of legitimate specialized support. Along these lines, this article is significant for SAH to get further support on the most proficient method to create PC programming, how to utilize innovative headway, accessible assets in an unexpected way, in order to build up a decent business connection amongst client and providers and in addition to expand its benefit (Question 3). This article expresses that how innovation assists business visionaries with maintaining association with both existing and potential clients, safeguarding the long haul and greatest reviews from every client. It has characterized 'client relationship administration' as a system of an organization to pull in partner offering best alternative in order to expand its benefit. As per article, organizations need to utilizations frameworks to discover new clients, draw in them and accomplish their devotion and also to keep up existing one. This article important to look for the arrangement of the issues, SAH is confronting. This article is chosen to describe a new extranet feature that can be implemented by SAH in order to address the information system related issues. Moreover, this article provides a significant insight on the estimated costs and technical support needed by SAH in order to implement the new extranet framework. Extranet is a special framework to design business groups that help the organizations to prepare successful business plans. This article does not describe the other segments of the software framework intranet and internet. On the other hand, it helps the address the question 5. Moreover, this article does not provide a wide area of research. On the other hand, it deals with basic knowledge regarding extranet frameworks. Hence, this article cannot be used to define different factors related to extranet framework but it gives a significant insight on cost estimations and technical support needed to implement the extranet feature in the business system of the organization. Based on the ideas generated from this article, it can be said the issues of SAH can be addressed by implementing the extranet feature. However, the organization will encounter significant costs for purchasing the necessary softwares as well as upgrading their technical setup. This article is chosen to address the issues related to the information systems that comprise of a number of systems including client information, organizational information and data regarding costs and expenses (question 3). Not just this is absence of correspondence by additionally it is a consider manual mistake. This can be tackled by utilizing committed data framework that can address the issue and execute the operations naturally rather than physically. SAH has distinctive mistake issues, test to contend in a market, the request on telephone calls couldn't be overseen because of absence of legitimate specialized support. Along these lines, this article is significant for SAH to get further support on the most proficient method to create PC programming, how to utilize innovative headway, accessible assets in an unexpected way, in order to build up a decent business connection amongst client and providers and in addition to expand its benefit (Question 1). In this chosen article, there are a number of case studies that have used as examples to define the role of information systems in a number of small and medium sized business organizations. As a result, a significant idea can be gathered regarding the issues of information systems and how can they be mitigated in order to maintain the viability of business organizations. From the case study, it can be seen that SAH has both business and the business framework issues. The main problem areas are programming administration with existing information system, system development, data estimation and communication systems. The chosen article helps to analyze the situation and address the situation in the selected domain. This is imperative for SAH to gain significant benefits from the healthcare business and manage the operations related to the business. As expressed in the article, Nigel Taylors clients are pulling in to other animal healthcare providers in light of administration disappointment and her inadequacy in managing the healthcare business due to lack of healthcare staffs. SAH has distinctive mistake issues, test to contend in a market, the request on telephone calls could not be overseen because of absence of legitimate specialized support. Along these lines, this article is significant for SAH to get further support on the most proficient method to create PC programming, how to utilize innovative headway, accessible assets in an unexpected way, in order to build up a decent business connection amongst client and providers and in addition to expand its benefit. In this article, this model is described to have the right approach towards the utilization of information systems in different types of business. However, this article does not provide a specific strategy for the business organizations to implement. The business o rganizations like SAH can use a model described in this article and prepare a suitable strategy to maintain viability of the business organization. In spite of these confinements, the writers depict about the distinctive difficulties in business associations confronted by all the related partners as far as the good and moral issues. The vast majority of these moral issues are identified with the current security and correspondence framework common in the business association. The picked article stresses on various cases everywhere throughout the world where one sort of administration is guaranteed and another kind of administration is given. Not just this is absence of correspondence by additionally it is a consider manual mistake. This can be tackled by utilizing committed data framework that can address the issue and execute the operations naturally rather than physically. (question 6). From the case study, it can be seen that SAH has both business and the business framework issues. The main problem areas are programming administration with existing information system, system development, data estimation and communication systems. In order to solve these problems, the company needs to choose a suitable model of approach that will help them prepare a sufficient business strategy. However, no business strategy should be implemented before making suitable tests as it will be too risky for the organization to implement an entirely new strategy without gathering sufficient data points. References Baltzan, P. and Phillips, A., 2016.Business driven information systems. McGraw Hill Education. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Cassidy, A., 2016.A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Beynon-Davies, P., 2013.Business information systems. Palgrave Macmillan. Bernus, P., Mertins, K. and Schmidt, G.J. eds., 2013.Handbook on architectures of information systems. Springer Science Business Media. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2013.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning Willcocks, L., 2013.Information management: the evaluation of information systems investments. Springer.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Odyssey and Epic Poetry An Introduction, Part 1 Flashcard
The Odyssey and Epic Poetry: An Introduction, Part 1
Monday, November 25, 2019
Fathers Day Quotes From Daughters to Dads
Fathers Day Quotes From Daughters to Dads Fathers and daughters share a special bond. Reach out to the most special man in your life on Fathers Day with one of these special messages about the relationship between fathers and daughters. Fanny Fern To her, the name of father was another name for love. Anne Geddes Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. Euripides To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter. Margaret Thatcher I just owe almost everything to my father [and] its passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election. Margaret Truman Its only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home- its only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love. Shakira I thank God that Im a product of my parents, that they infected me with their intelligence and energy for life, with their thirst for knowledge and their love. Im grateful that I know where I come from. Anne Sexton It doesnt matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. Angelina Jolie And my dad: youre a great actor but youre a better father. Gloria Naylor Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. Helen Hayes When Charles first saw our child Mary, he said all the proper things for a new father. He looked upon the poor little red thing and blurted, Shes more beautiful than the Brooklyn Bridge. Enid Bagnold A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. Phyllis McGinley The thing to remember about fathers is, theyre men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon-seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat - like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle it took such months to get. John Gregory Brown Theres something like a line of gold thread running through a mans words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. John Mayer Fathers, be good to your daughters. You are the God and the weight of her world. Garrison Keillor The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, Daddy, I need to ask you something, he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan. Stanley T. Banks You fathers will understand. You have a little girl. She looks up to you. Youre her oracle. Youre her hero. And then the day comes when she gets her first permanent wave and goes to her first real party, and from that day on, youre in a constant state of panic. Anonymous They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. She makes him feel like Christmas. In exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, the mistakes she makes or the secrets she keeps. Ashton Kutcher, on being a step-parent I like being what the girls call MOD- my other Dad. What Ive learned in the past year is that every kid is different. But as long as you love them and never forget that love, then you have the key. I think its all about just being there and loving them because kids feel that every single day. Alice Walker It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all. Margaret Atwood All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Interlanguage and teaching the language system Coursework
Interlanguage and teaching the language system - Coursework Example 3. Vocabulary acquisition in the foreign language is not as fluent or as quick as the native language. There are two primary reasons that can be identified as responsible for this phenomenon. First, the self consciousness of the foreign language learner, which makes him or her anxious about appearing foolish while speaking the second language and thereby restricts rapid learning, Second is the differences in grammatical structures between the two languages, which would make it slower for the foreign language learner to pick up vocabulary in the foreign language. Moreover, the differences in meaning of words in different socio cultural contexts and the need to express meaning correctly may slow down the process of vocabulary acquisition. 4. Pragmatics refers to the social interactions that take place in every language, where words are attributed a meaning that is comprised of not merely the grammatical meaning of a word but also the social context o its expression. 5. I visited a frie nd in Saudi Arabia and expressed admiration for his car. I intended this as a compliment in accordance with English language culture, but as per the Saudi culture, the expression of admiration meant a desire to own the object. As a result, my friend forced me to take his car. 6. Pronunciation depends on auditory discrimination which comes naturally when learning the first language; because of constant exposure to the language in the surrounding environment. Pronunciation patterns in the native language are the most deeply set and this would influence the kind of pronunciation of the second language learner. Native patterns would have a stronger impact because exposure to the second language pronunciation is also limited to classes. Hence, the two most important factors influencing pronunciation would be (a) native language and (b) time available for learning second language. 7. In my view, it is more important for second language learners to strive for intelligibility. Native level pronunciation is likely to take an enormous amount of time, especially as they are bereft of the high level of immersion and the childhood readiness and receptivity to their native language. Although it is beneficial for second language learners to strive for the fluency of native speakers, their communication would be hindered if they focused too much upon this objective, because they would become excessively conscious of errors and this would impede their learning. 8. The correction of pronunciation depends very much upon the context within which such correction occurs. When it is done in a derogatory manner or when carried out in front of other people, it feels humiliating and makes a learner even more hesitant about the learning. When correction of pronunciation is done in a friendly spirit, where it is deemed natural to make mistakes, the learner is more likely to respond positively – hence positive rather than negative criticism is vital. Activity 5: The book titled â⠂¬Å"Cambridge grammar of English†teaches grammar in the traditional way that has been used, i.e, through offering explanations of the rules of grammar. The objective fo the book is the same as that of any foreign language learning course, i.e, to provide for the ultimate end objective for a learner to learn conversation in the language. There is also a CD provided with the book, to enable learners to listen to the sound of the language. The book however works on the principle of providing the general
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Person-Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Coursework
Person-Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care - Coursework Example I was careful not to force the patient into taking my decisions rather allowed him to make his own decisions on whether he wanted the treatment or not. I also used equitable allocation of personal resources towards my patient. I had to highlight to him the risk associated with his ailment, and of the different choices he would select for or against the treatment process. I had to identify the key priorities for the patient so as not to deliver person-centered care due to lack of time. I had to compromise with the patients on the different ideas he had about his ailment assuring him that he still had the chance of making amends in his life and returning to his normal life. It was difficult for me, but I was forced to hide my emotions to the patient making the process to consume emotionally. I also applied interproffesional working with the patient as i was forced to consult, network, consult and debate as I wanted to solve some of the problems which I felt that the patient could not s olve when left to make decide.Question 2It is really important to find out an individual’s history, preferences, wishes and needs as some patients consider such things like religion; therefore, they would want to pray at particular times or place. Different patients have different religious objects and when presented with objects which do not relate to his, the feeling of being uncomfortable is developed. Others may want the care process to be handled by individuals related to the sexuality as they may feel shy. during the care process. Language is also an issue that is taken into consideration as a patient under care unit might want to communicate to the person attending to him or her. Question 3 It is important to review care or support plans with the patient and to monitor their needs and preferences because it improves on the self esteem of the patient since they have welcomed the program involved. New or improved source of communication is also achieved in involving patients in the support plan (Rantz & Flesner, 2003). The hospital also creates a good image for it as patients openly exudes confidence in the care plan being administered to them. Question 4 Useful care or support plans are beneficial in supporting person centered values in practice since they give guidelines on how the patient wants the care process to be implemented. They also involve the patient in the care process by covering the full range of needs and preferences by providing documented evidence of the process. In addition, they provide an opportunity to monitor and review the ever changing needs of the patient. Lastly, they describe, predict and explain the control phenomenon used for the care process (Rantz & Flesner, 2003). Question 5 Case Study One I will advice the colleague that the different factors that might hinder a patient from expressing his views are mental impairment, physical illness or language barriers
Monday, November 18, 2019
European Currency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
European Currency - Essay Example To reflect on the future of the European currency, it is necessary to consider first steps to the European Monetary Union; the reasons of occurrence, problems of creation and functioning of new model of the European currency system. "In its 1990 White Paper, the European Commission argued that deeper economic links would be a major goal of EMU, and many observers accept the view that the elimination of exchange rate risk and the lowering of transaction costs will indeed deliver more integration" (Wyplosz, 2001: 9). It is necessary to understand what we should expect from euro in the future, whether it can make a competition to dollar in the world currency markets, and may be even to replace it as a reserve currency in many countries. Interest to the given questions is caused by the point that introduction of new currency has no analogues not only in the Europe, but also all over the world. The given event needs to be considered as movement aside bipolar world currency system that creates preconditions for redistribution of forces on a global scale. On January, 1st, 1999 within the limits of the European union (EU) are created the European Economic and Monetary Union and the uniform currency for the member-states of European Economic and Monetary Union named euro, which during the certain period of time has replaced national currencies of the corresponding countries. This event is natural, rather important and in the certain sense the closing stage in the development of the West-European integration process, the beginning to which was put with the Treaty of Rome signed on March, 25th, 1957 on creation of the European Economic Community ("the Common Market") in structure of six countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Since then the process of integration in the Europe, despite of considerable difficulties and contradictions in general successfully developed as in breadth (with 6 up to 15 countries), and in depth (in direction to an overall objective - to formation of uniform economic space, in wh ich it would be carried out, irrespective of national borders, free movement of the goods, capitals and people, and in which would operate equal for all subjects of economic activities conditions of competition). The principle of the Common Market, on which the European Economic Community was based, assumes for the free movement of the goods and the capital if not the general currency, but at least significant stability of rates of exchange. Instability of rates of exchange did conditions of competition uncertain and for this reason destabilized trade relations. Besides, stabilization of rates of exchange is necessary for coordination of economic policy of the Union member-states. EMU, the decision on which creation was accepted on December, 5th 1978 has started to operate on March, 13th, 1979. It included Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, and the Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg have joined later. EMU establishes the base for measuring costs, intended to become money - European Currency Unit (ECU), and a system of stable, but ordered rates of exchange between the countries of European Economic Community. "The rapid development of the ECU in private markets had been a surprise. By March 1986, European banks held ECU assets worth 61 billion and ECU bonds of 7 billion. Private banks also had established a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
LITERATURE REVIEW of Postoperative Pain and Foot Reflexology
LITERATURE REVIEW of Postoperative Pain and Foot Reflexology Post operative pain: The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (Black, J M, 2005). Post operative pain can be defined as pain resulted from surgical intervention. Pain is generally protective, it warns of tissue damage and prompt treatment, but post operatively it can hold up recovery. Factors that affect post operative pain consist of the previous experience, surgical intervention, intra operative pain management, site and size of incision and extent of surgical trauma (Rahman M, Beattie J, 2005). The basic pain mechanism consists of mainly four processes such as transduction, transmission, perception and modulation (Koeppen B M, Stanton B A 1996). Surgical tissue damage causes release of substances such as bradykinin, arachidonic acid, histamine, 5-hydroxytriptamine, substance P and prostaglandins. These chemicals stimulate peripheral pain receptors which transmit the pain impulses. This pain impulse is transmitted to spinal cord through neuronal fibers. From there sensory information is carried through the spinothalamic tract and spinonueclear tract to the thalamus and the reticular activating system. Neurons from the thalamus project to cerebral cortex for the conscious perception of pain. (Krik.R.M, W.T. Ribbans, 2004).When pain stimulus reaches the brain stem and thalamus naturally it stimulate the release of endorphins and enkephalins,which may inhibit pain transmission at spinal cord(Rahman M, Beattie J, 2005). Foot reflexology: Reflexology is a bodywork modality in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Reflexology is the act of applying pressure on specific areas of hands and feet that correspond to particular organs and glands of the body using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. Reflexology therapies are classified in to three types: ear reflexology, hand reflexology and foot reflexology. The basic concept of foot reflexology promotes homeostasis. Foot reflexology improves blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and also motivates relaxation; good sleep and wound healing (Julia Layton, 2002). History of foot reflexology: The treatment of feet was well known in China, Korea and other eastern countries. It was believed to be originated 5000 years back. This is supported by an Egyptian Tomb Drawing. This drawing shows four people, one person being treated with foot reflexology and another with hand reflexology. William Fitzgerald, an American ENT specialist reintroduced foot reflexology to the modern era. She did several works on reflexology. Later on Eunice Ingham, a physical therapist popularized this therapy through her books the stories the feet can tell and stories the feet have told (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Theories of foot reflexology: The core theories of foot reflexology derived from zone theory and meridian theory. The effects of foot reflexology are also explained by energy theory, lactic acid theory, theory of proprioceptive nervous receptors and psychological theory. Melzack and Walls, gate control theory and endogenous theory also explains about the effects of reflexology in reducing pain (Stephenson N L, Weinrich S P and Tavakoli A S, 2000). Zone theory: Fitzgerald, according to the effects of treatment he observed, divided the body in to 10 zones. The longitudinal body zones appear as equally large vertical fields leading from medial to lateral zones. The organs, tissue and systems through which a longitudinal zone passes in the body are represented in the same zone on the feet on reduced scale. Application of pressure on any reflex point in hand or feet would have a corresponding effect on different organs lying within that zones .These longitudinal zones are considered as energy path ways , thus pressure applied on feet have a corresponding effect on organs and systems of that path way. The concept of this theory assumed human beings were alive with a life force and this life force flow through energy pathways (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Meridian theory: This theory was modified from zone theory by Ingham. Ingham mapped the foot areas showing the relationship between energy pathways and reflex points corresponding to visceral organs from her experience. For example the pressure applied to the part of left foot has effect on corresponding visceral organs and glands on the left side (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Energy theory: Energy theory proposes that body parts communicate through an electromagnetic field and sometimes the energy pathway become blocked. Foot reflexology promoted good circulation of energy without any block and thus augment the state of body balance and organ function (Mary Cade, 2002). Lactic acid theory: Any stress releases the lactic acid and this deposit in an energy pathway as microcrystals and obstructs the free flow of energy. Foot reflexology mashes the crystals and allows for the free flow of energy (Mary Cade, 2002). The gate control theory: Melzack and Wall explained mechanism of pain and gate control theory of pain. The gate control theory explained that the transmission cells (T calls) are controlled by a spinal gating mechanism situated in the dorsal horn. This spinal gating mechanism influenced by the activity of large and small diameter nerve fibers. Stimulation of large fibers activates the inhibition of neuronal transmission and stimulation of small fibers results in transmission of pain impulses. Foot reflexology helps in inhibition neuronal transmission by stimulating large fibers (Nancy,L.N et al. 2007). Innoculous stimuli, such as rubbing a hurt area, can block or reduce pain sensation. Such stimulation activates the large diameter fibers and their activity leads to release of GABA and other neurotransmitters. GABA acts by both pre synaptic and post synaptic mechanism to shut down the activity of spinothalamic tract cells (Koeppen B.M, Stanton B. A, 1996). Foot reflexology also reduces stress and fear by providing a warm feeling, security and trust and this helps in transporting direct impulses to brain and inhibit pain impulses by closing the gates at spinal cord. Endogenous pain control theory: Foot reflexology helps in transmission of neuronal impulse to stimulate pituitary gland of hypothalamus to release endorphins (Xavier Regina, 2007). Endorphins are endogenous opiate neuropeptide produced by the body and activate the opiate receptors and consequently have a significant analgesic action. The action of endogenous opiate neuropeptide was believed to work at CNS by inhibiting release of substance P and stopping the nociceptors by paring with suitable opiate receptors (Hawthorn Jan, Kathy Redmond, 1998). Foot reflexology in pain reduction: A study was at Division of Science and Design, University of Canberra, Australia on the use of foot massage as a nursing intervention in patients admitted with cancer. 87 patients were participated in the study and each one received a 5-minute reflexology foot massage per foot. The study reported that the reflexology has a significant and immediate effect on the pain, nausea, and relaxation, when it was measured with a visual analog scale. (Grealish L, 2000). Nationwide research study undertaken in Denmark reported that, reflexology treatment has a positive effect on patients suffering from migraine and tension headaches. The study was done at the Department of Social Pharmacy, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy with the help of five reflexology associations. 220 patients were participated in the study. Reflexology was performed by 78 fully trained reflexologist. Among the patients who took part in the study, ninety percent reported that they had already started to take the prescribed medication one month before the study and, out of them, 36 percent had experienced ill effects from the medicines. Eighty one percent of the prescribed medicine in the acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol group was taken at least twice a week and 72% of the stronger medicines were taken at least once a fortnight which point out that the greater part of the patients were suffering from moderate to severe symptoms. After three months of reflexology treatments , eighty one percent of patients confirmed that reflexology helped them in reducing their symptoms. Nineteen percent of the patients re-ported that they had been able to completely stop the medications they had been taking before the study (Carlson Selvia, 2006). A study was conducted at the Hospital of Beijing College of Languages to assess the effect of reflexology treatment on acute lower back pain. Twenty patients between the ages of 35 and 55, suffering from lower back strain was participated in the study. Ten reflexology therapies were delivered to each patient. All patients reported that the treatment had effectively reduced their pain. 5 of them obtained complete relief after one treatment, 10 patients obtained relief after 3 to 4 treatments and 5 patients got complete relief only after 5 to 7 treatments. No analgesics or other medications were used all over the course of treatments (Xiao Zhenge, 2002). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology on pain and anxiety in patients admitted with breast and lung cancer. It was a quasi-experimental, cross over study done at medical and oncology units of a 314-bed hospital in the South-Eastern United States. Twenty-three in-patients with breast or lung cancer were taken for the study. The bulk of the samples were receiving regularly scheduled opioids and adjuvant medications. Procedures included a foot reflexology to both feet for 30 minutes during intervention condition and with at least a two-day break during control condition for each patient. No changes were made in patients usual schedule or medications. Following the foot reflexology intervention, patients with breast and lung cancer experienced a significant reduction in anxiety and pain (Stephenson N L, Weinrich S P, Tavakoli A S, 2000). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology as a pain killer in China (1998). Reflexology was done to 60 individuals between ages 1 to 73 to reduce the pain resulted from toothache, headache, sore throat, stiff neck, shoulder pain,old wound, breast pain, chest rib pain, dysmenorrhoea, abdominal pain , wrist and leg pain and joint pain in limbs. Reflexology sessions lasted for 20 minutes to 40 minutes. Following one session 18 of the 60 were healed. 11 were nurse back to health following 2 or 3 sessions, 22 were effectively treated after 2 or 3 sessions. Reflexology was not effective for 9 cases after 1 to 3 sessions (Jin Hui, 1998). Foot reflexology in post operative pain reduction: A study was conducted at AIIMS, New Delhi (2002-2004) to find out the efficiency of reflexology in postoperative pain management. Sixty patients were divided randomly into Reflexology group (foot reflexology and required quantity of standard drugs) and Control group (standard quantity of standard drugs alone).Standard drugs included are NSAID (Diclofenac) and Opioids (Pethidine and Fentanyl).Pain score was measured by using a visual analog scale of 0 10. Pain was measured at the time scale of 0, 2, 6, 24 hours. 0 hours is the time which patient was shifted to recovery room. The results showed a considerable decrease in pain scores and decrease in the requirement and quantity of drugs among reflexology group compared to control group (Shewtha Choudary et al., 2006). A study was carried out to examine the effect of foot reflexology on sternotomy pain of patients undergone CABG at Iran University of Medical Sciences (2007). This was a quasi-experimental study, 90 patients were randomly divided into three groups of case, control and placebo. The reflexology group received a 10-minute right foot massage in desired location, two times a day with 6 hours interval for 2 successive days. The placebo group received a 10-minute left foot massage and the control group received no intervention. Pain was assessed using visual analogue scale. Outcome showed that the mean of pain intensity before and after intervention in three groups had a significant difference. In the case group average pain intensity before the intervention was 6.4(Â ±2.1) and after the intervention was 3.4(Â ±5.1). In control group the mean of pain intensity before and after intervention was respectively 5.1(Â ±1.7) and 5(Â ±1.9). Independent t-test showed a significant reduction in i ntensity of postoperative pain between case and control groups (Bozorgzad, 2007). A study was conducted to look into the efficacy of foot reflex therapy as adjuvant treatment modality in reducing pain and anxiety in postsurgical patients with gastric and hepatocellular cancer at Taiwan (2005). It was a randomized controlled trial. Sixty-one patients who had undergone surgery for gastric or hepatocellular carcinoma were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 30) or control (n = 31) group. Patients in the experimental group received 20 minutes of foot reflexotherapy in addition to the usual pain management during 2nd, 3rd and 4th postoperative days. Patients in the control group got usual pain management only. Outcome was measured using short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire, VAS, summary of the pain medications taken, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Intervention group reported less pain and anxiety over time when compared with the control group. The study also revealed that the patients in the experimental group received significantly less pain medicat ions than the control group.(Tsay, Shiow-Luan et al., 2008). A study was conducted to compare effects of symptom management with reflexology on pain and frequency of pain medication taken in old age patient with prostatectomy at Suratthanee Hospital, Thailand (2005). Quasi-experimental, pretest -post test design was used with a control groups. 40 elderly patients were selected and allocated to experimental and control groups. The instrument used for the study consisted of four sessions; Symptom experienced assessment, Knowledge providing, Reflexology and evaluation phases. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and t-test. The study reported that the posttest mean score on pain of an experimental group was significantly lower than of the pretest. The posttest mean score of pain of an experimental group was significantly lower than of a control group. The posttest mean score of frequency pain medication taking of an experimental group was significantly lower than of a control group (Tanyakhanok Pongpiyapibon, 2005). A study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of foot reflexology on pain level, vital signs and satisfaction in patients with abdominal surgery by a post graduate student of Mahidol University, Taiwan (2003). It was a quasi experimental research with simple cross over design. Thirty patients were randomly selected to control group and experimental group. Control group received 30 minutes of supportive education and experimental group received 30 minutes of foot reflexology. Pain assessment and vital signs were recorded pre, immediately after therapy and at 15 minutes and 45 minutes interval. The results showed that patient received foot reflexology had marked reduction in pain compared to those received supportive education. It also reported a marked effect in vital signs (Sarunya, 2003).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Introduction To Human Services Essay -- essays research papers
Introduction to Human Services Jeffrey, "A Human Services Professional is someone who is a facilitator for someone who is not able or not yet able to deal with issues in a healthy way. I am taking classes so that I can learn how to best help empower people change their situation by believing in themselves. I believe that people have the answers within themselves, but may need help getting in touch with their spiritual or intuitive self. As human services providers, we hopefully strive to model healthy behavior, including the fact that we are human, need support from our peers, and can make mistakes." "When a client is ready, we educate them to give them an idea of what is destructive behavior, bring to their attention possible consequences of their actions, and suggest ideas or alternatives. Usually a client already knows all this, they just never knew a better way or thought their way of dealing with life was normal. I work on accepting each person where they are in their life, which takes strength. I may be saying in my mind, 'Can't you see your way out of the prison you're in?', but then I remember that I used to be in the same place, and it took years to find my way out. I still struggle with my addiction, and it still affects me, just not so profoundly." "What I would like to do is work with teenagers. As a teenager, I was befriended by a Young Life leader. He was a man in his 40's and didn't want anything from me but to be my friend. When I drank beer at lunch, he didn't tell me to not drink. I don't remember his words so much as the feeling I got when we were together. He was like a father/friend to me. He seemed to care about me unconditionally. He looked at me like a real human person, which made me uncomfortable, which now looking back, was probably because I wasn't used to that. My own father lived in the same house with me, but he was not emotionally available to me. My own father seemed to think that all women are good for is sex and housekeeping. That scares me when I think of that now. My first husband thought of me only as good for sex, baby making, and housekeeping. I am grateful that I have wised up since then. My passion is to work in the alternative schools as a tutor or mentor, to help give kids some kind of an idea what ... ...ce what I love to do. Is it possible to go to school or receive on the job training? Sometimes where there is a will, there is a way. I know some people who manage apartments, therefore do not need to pay rent for a place to live. They receive financial aid and food stamps while they are in school. What some people do is find out which professions are in demand, or will be in the future. These trends can be found in publications such as government statistical manuals. If there is something you think you would like to explore, maybe you could talk to people who are willing to take the time to explain how they carry out their responsibilities for their work. Bring a list of questions so the person you are interviewing has an idea of what specific aspects of their career you are curious about. People who are happy with their careers are usually quite willing to talk about themselves in this way. I know someone who owns his own business. He began as a backyard mechanic and now ten years later runs a very successful auto repair shop. For him it means long hours, but he is very proud of his accomplishments. He says there is nothing like being your own boss.
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