Friday, January 24, 2020
Comparing Incest in Vanity Fair, Lolita and Annabel Lee :: comparison compare contrast essays
Incest in Vanity Fair, Lolita and Annabel Lee       In modern literature there are many examples of incest. Incest is presented in the plots of many books. Of course it is not in its classical form as it is in Oedipus legend. The form is changed but incest as such can be recognized . Here are two excerpts to display the latter. One is from Nabokov's Lolita, the other is from Thackeray's Vanity Fair.    " I had thought that months, perhaps years, would escape before I dared to reveal myself to Dolores Haze; but by 6 she was wide awake, and by 6.15 we were technically lovers. I am going to tell you something very strange: it was she who seduced me." Her age ia twelve.    " Rebecca Sharp never had been a girl, she said; she had been a woman since she was eight years old ..."    According to Freud the problem of incest is a subconscious one. Incest is always desired subconsciously. Its prohibition saves man from two aspirations: to kill the father and marry the mother. A triangle father-mother-child is brought out. This triangle can be used to show the transformations which in the classical Oedipus legend undergoes in modern writings. In the Greek myth Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother. I avoid mentioning the circumstances deliberately because I concentrate on the triangle father-mother-child, which is the classical form under which incest appears. In the above mentioned literary works the classical triangle has undergone two changes. First, instead of son we have daughter. Second the mothers of the girls are dead. So the triangle is reduced to the lineal connection father-daughter.    According to L. Stros incest does not always depend on the real, genetic kind-ship; it also depends on the social connections among people, in the cases when a given individual is raised to the rank of father, mother, son or sister. So in Lolita, it is also a case of incest but between are a surrogate father and daughter.    The similarities of themes both in European (in particular Greek and British literature) and American literature exhibit the cyclic effect in literature: the themes are old and the form is which is new. It could not be said that a given text definitely belongs to a given country. The text has cultural influences which are not indigenous.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Did Black Churches Function During the Antebellum Period?
Essay: How did black churches function during the antebellum period? Frederick Douglas, perhaps, said it best when he mentioned that the AME Mother Bethel Church in Philadelphia, obviously being a black church, was â€Å"the largest church in the Union,†with up to 3,000 worshipers every Sunday. This fact, along with black churches being the most influential institution in the antislavery movement (even more so than black conventions and newspapers) gave the religious aspect of the movement a powerful advantage. With very few exceptions, most leading black abolitionists were ministers. A few black ministers, such as Amos N. Freeman of Brooklyn, New York, even served white antislavery congregations. Black Churches also provided forums for abolitionist speakers and meeting places for predominantly white antislavery organizations, which frequently could not meet in white churches. Black church buildings were community centers. They housed schools and meeting places for other organizations. Antislavery societies often met in churches, and the churches harbored fugitive slaves. All of this went hand in hand with the community leadership black ministers provided. They began schools and various voluntary associations. They spoke against slavery, racial oppression, and what they considered weaknesses among African Americans. However, black ministers never spoke with one voice. Throughout the antebellum decades, many followed Jupiter Hammon in admonishing their congregations that preparing one’s soul for heaven was more important than gaining equal rights on earth. Most black Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic congregations remained affiliated with white denominations, although they were rarely represented in regional and national church councils. For example, the Episcopal Diocese of New York in 1819 excluded black ministers from its annual conventions, mentioning that African Americans â€Å"are socially degraded, and are not regarded as proper associates for the class of persons who attend our convention. †Not until 1853 was white abolitionist William Jay able to convince New York Episcopalians to admit representatives. Under the influence of a wave of religious revivalism, evangelicals carried Christian morality into politics during the 1830s. Religion, of course, had always been important in America. During the antebellum period, a new, emotional revivalism began. Known as the Second Great Awakening, it lasted through the 1830s. It led laymen to replace established clergy as leaders and seek to impose moral order on a turbulent society. In conclusion, clergy used their pulpits to attack slavery, racial discrimination, proslavery white churches, and the American Colonization Society (ACS).
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Effects Of Personal Attachment Style On Romantic...
The Effects of Personal Attachment Style on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Our earliest relationships in life can be deeply formative in shaping our development. Created by John Bowlby, attachment theory relates the importance of attachment in regards to personal development. According to Bowlby, attachment is the leading factor in our ability to form and maintain relationships as adults (Levy 2012, pg. 157). As human beings, we need to feel as if we belong (Cherry, 2016). We find this belongingness in our relationships and attachments. However, we differ in our ability to form such relationships. Some people may find creating relationships with people to be a fairly simple while others find relationships to be difficult or even anxiety producing. Though we each feel a need to belong, we differ in this ability. Some people struggle in relationships and other find anything relating to relationships to be simple. These differences in how we maintain and create relationships may be due to our early life experiences. Research on attachment theory suggests that our early-life relationships may be responsible, at least in part, for these differences in adult relationships (Fraley, 2010). Data proves that these different attachment styles have different effects on how an individual deals with relationships. Previous research has dialed in on different attachment styles and their effect on how one views their self-worth. However, research has failed to investigate relationshipShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Sexual And Sexual Satisfaction1388 Words  | 6 PagesThe Issue: Romantic relationships are a prominent feature in many people’s lives. Some romantic relationships are healthy and others are not. Using the attachment perspective to predict relationship and sexual satisfaction, is an ongoing theme in psychology. 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