Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Stains of Watergate - 1568 Words
On June 17, 1972, security guard Frank Wills became a national hero. At twenty four years old, he was working the midnight shift at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. He discovered tape over a basement door lock and thinking none of it, he removed the tape. On another inspection round, he found the lock taped over again and called the police. They locked the doors, turned off the elevators, and started checking darkened offices. At 2:30 a.m. on the 6th floor of the Watergate complex, the police discovered five men who were identified as the Plumbers Unit on orders by The Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP) to burglarize the DNC. The men, one who was an ex-CIA agent, were convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping. However, what started as a third-rate burglary unravelled into a broad network of political corruption and espionage within the Nixon administration that became known as Watergate. Before the summer of 1972, the term â€Å"Watergate†meant nothing more than a luxurious complex in Washington, D.C., but because five highly cunning men were somehow caught by an average, $80-per-week security guard, it became associated with the greatest political scandal of the century and many more after that. The Watergate scandal proliferated public skepticism of and mistrust in the federal government, and an angry American public called for immediate response. The widespread public mistrust andShow MoreRelatedThe Stains of Watergate1352 Words  | 5 Pagesdue to the exposure of the Nixon administration’s corrupt activities in addition to the President’s graceless resignation, the public and the news media scrutinized the backgrounds of people who sought power more carefully. A positive outcome of Watergate was the successful national movement for government transparency: to make meetings and records more accessible to the public. In 1974, Congress overrode a presidential veto and revised the Freedom of Information act, providing the public and mediaRead MoreThe Resignation of President Richard Nixon Essay1371 Words  | 6 PagesLegal Brief/Background During the year of 1972, a case submerged that shook the United State Supreme Court, as well as the world. Five intruders were caught breaking and entering into the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Democratic National Headquarters were responsible for various things, but one key aspect of their job was to raise money and organize campaigns for Democratic candidates, including the presidential candidate, George McGovern. SoonRead MorePresident Nixon And The Watergate Scandal1641 Words  | 7 Pagesdisregarded the Constitution and the oath of office of the President of the United States. President Nixon is most famous for his involvement in the infamous Watergate scandal, which took place on June 17th, 1972 (Timeline). Nixon hired six burglars to break into the Democratic National Committee’s offices, which were located inside the Watergate office, complex in Washington. The burglars’ mission was to plant audio transmitt ers, but they were arrested after being discovered by an on duty watchmanRead MoreMusic And Its Impact On Society1340 Words  | 6 Pagesculture. Individuality, self-expression and the need for political reform were emphasized in concerts such as Woodstock. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the intertwining of music as an expression of people’s disapproval of the Vietnam War and Watergate, shaped James Murray into the musically oriented and political cautious man he is today. James’s adult life began during a period of powerful change, where the youth of America began questioning parts of their country that society accepted. ManyRead MoreEssay about Past Political Controversies2078 Words  | 9 Pageshistory that show the need for ethical political leaders in our government, and why that would benefit society. Past Political Controversies: The Watergate Scandal The Watergate Scandal is an infamous controversy that provides insight into the corruption and operation of the President, Congress, or the Supreme Court. The term â€Å"Watergate†is used to describe the complex and tight-woven web of political scandals that occurred during President Nixon’s presidency between 1972 and 1974. The termRead MoreEssay on World Phone Hacking Scandal2506 Words  | 11 Pagesposition while an act deontologist would have straight up said no to any thought of unethical behavior. Perhaps if Murdoch and those below him had acted in a more deontological manner, the News of the World would still be open and there would not be a stain on the Murdoch brand name. If given the choice of how to obtain information and sources in Rupert Murdoch’s position, I would take the deontological route. I believe every person has the basic right of privacy and that personal information should
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reflection Sample Research Paper - 1001 Words
In the opening chapters of my dissertation, I acknowledge the invaluable contribution of my mentors: my committee chair Jelena Subotic and committee members Charles Hankla and Andrew Wedeman. They became my pedagogical models because of their commitment to their students and to their vocation. In and outside the classroom my mentors advanced my ability to analyze, generate, and express ideas and think independently, which propelled my academic growth. They also created rigorous curriculums, gained the respect of their students, and maintained clear and fair academic standards for themselves and their students. My mentors set an exceptional model for me to follow and thus shaped my pedagogical philosophy, which involves teaching my†¦show more content†¦For more details, please refer to the attached sample syllabi. Furthermore, I believe that one of the most important skills that students should learn in the classroom is critical thinking. This skill is an invaluable asset in the work-place and daily life, and therefore critical thinking is one of the fundamental aspects of my pedagogical approach. I help my students acquire this skill by promoting and respecting intellectual diversity in the classroom. This approach provides students with an example to follow, as well reassures them that the classroom is a safe space where they can openly express themselves and their ideas. In saying this, I recognize that intellectual diversity can be expressed in a variety of ways outside and inside the academic setting. One way intellectual diversity is manifested in the academic setting is by the different world-views which my students bring to the classroom. The second way intellectual diversity is expressed in academia is in the different approaches students utilize to learn information. I believe that i n order to successfully expand student’ critical thinking, both types of intellectual diversity need to be promoted in the classroom. In addition to essential skills and qualities, helping students learn is the essential goal of the academic experience. Therefore, I provide information in a variety of mediums in the classroom that helps students effectively learn the material. Since students have different learningShow MoreRelatedEnglish 111 Evaluation Essay623 Words  | 3 Pagesof writing. This essay will evaluate the English 111 textbooks, essays, self-reflections, the instructor, and what I personally learned. The English 111 textbook had effective sample essays and diagrams of outlines. The Successful College Writing Textbook is the textbook used for the English 111 course. This textbook had great sample essays because they showed useful examples of transition words and phrases. These sample essays also gave a guideline for writing a proper essay. 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The Necklace Compared to The Star Essay Example For Students
The Necklace Compared to The Star Essay The story The Star, which was written in 1970s, is trying to say that we need to understand the truth of our fate rather than put on blinders and quit refusing everything else that we dont want to see. In the story The Necklace written by Guy De Maupassant the woman worked herself to the bone for ten years trying to pay off the debt used to pay for the necklace she lost at the ball. The woman in this story is a poor pretty woman who thought she deserved a better life than one that she already had. The main character in this story is a woman named Louis, the daughter of simple working class man. Both stories include a sub theme of a hope for a better life, in which all men were created equal and all the ugly injustices in the world would cease to exist. But the cold hard fact is that we humans have this innate sense of optimism, which blocks our thinking for reality, because without it we would have no reason for living. In the case of the woman in the story The necklace the object being the necklace which she eventually loses and tries to replace. Instead of hiding the truth and facing the music, which was harder, to take than when she lied. The old adage which says, What a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive. We humans cant handle the truth. We think we know what is the truth. What that really is just bullshit. Its arrogance-playing tricks on our minds making us think we are in control of our lives. If we really were in control of our lives then why cant we control every little aspect of it that gives discomfort? Because we cant, because we dont know how, and eventually the truth will show that is we dont what the truth really is. Using the slippery slope logic one can conclude that the two stories are more similar than they are different but because the assignment at hand requires for me to compare and contrast in an illustrative manner then I guess I should start. In the story the Star the setting is on a rocket ship with astronauts and the setting in the necklace is old France in the late 1970s. The Star is a science fiction story while the necklace is an illustrative story. In the necklace the story is told from the third people point of view compared to the Stars point of view is in the first person. The necklace discusses the social classes distinction in detail while in the star is describes the Astrology in detail. The person who wrote the necklace was French was illustrative the author of the star was clearly American. The main focus of the story is based on the importance of having money while the star is about the survival of the fittest. The similarities in both stories include that both deal with theme of hope. One is more graphic in the account of survival as portrayed in the star but the details in how the girl had to work hard in how each detail in her work day was shown through words was illustrative. Both deal with the issue of false pretense that living a certain life would bring true happiness, which in both case should that it didnt. The dismal setting Star is in contrast with the grandeur at which the Necklace is played out. The false hope that we control our own destiny is both misinterpreted by everyone. That is why these two stories, which are about two different subjects, seem to have the same effect on a person, which is depression. .
Operational Analysis and Effectiveness
Question: Discuss about theOperational Analysis and Effectiveness. Answer: Introduction: The Operation Management of an organization plays an important role in the organizational success. Any organization, in order to perform commendably well, must have a high level of efficiency so that the annual revenue of the year can be remarkably enhanced. While an organization focuses too much on the process of adopting innovative strategy for increasing its sales, it often misses out the importance of design and control of operations, responsible for the conversion of the raw materials into the final goods (Slack 2015). Apart from Finance and Marketing being the two important functions of an organization, the proper and efficient management of the operational activities of an organization, is equally important. According to the industry experts, it is not only sufficient to sell the goods and service of an organization, but it is equally important to know how to manage the process of manufacture as well. The resources necessary in an organization must be well-integrated, so that in the manufacturing process, the right product can be used by the employees at the right time, making the entire process effective (Tano et al. 2013). Hawkesbury being a medium scale organization should also adopt the most effective operation management. However, for a medium scale industry, various challenging issues may also crop up, as there may be a lack of specialized tasks for the employees, or there may be a scarcity of space. As a result the decision-making process may be confusing as well. Keeping these facts into serious consideration, the following report aims to analyze and critically evaluate the operation management of Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd. As it can be understood from the prescribed case study, Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd is an organization responsible for manufacturing as well as designing the custom built kitchen cabinetry (Cummings and Worley 2014). The organization, established in Sydney, founded in the year 2008, had two founders- the one being Fung, the other being Mei Chen. The organization has been manufacturing and selling both customized as well as standard kitchen cabinets but however there is a sin gle manufacturing facility. It is also evident from the case study that though there has been an increasing growth in the sale of the custom-made kitchens, at present the organization was not seen to make a huge profit out of it. Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd had also got a contract whereby it would be required to manufacture standard kitchen cabinets in small batches. This essay intends to analyze the effectiveness of the production process as employed by Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd, the effect of the new builders kitchen on the operation management of the organization, as well as the impact of the managements decision to move to produce builders kitchen, on the daily operational activities of the organization (Hill and Hill 2012). It should be remembered that the factory layout of an organization plays an unquestionably important role in the day-to-day operation of an organization. Although the fact is less acknowledged, the organizational layout is an important component in any business organization that facilitates greater efficiency of the workers, thereby improving the effectiveness of the operational activities of the organization. From the case study, it can be understood that Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd does have a proper and well-integrated factory layout, and hence it is capable of minimizing its operational cost (Canen and Williamsen 2013). As it is suggested, Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has a single manufacturing facility, and the organization manufactures customized as well as standard kitchen cabinets in one place only. The layout of the organization does help remarkably in the smooth flow of material of information in a systematic way. The business operations can be operation in a smooth and flex ible manner. In addition to that, the equipments and the machineries necessary for the production of both standard as well as custom-made kitchens, are readily available and can be used from one place only (Gomez et al. 2014). This helps in the smooth and easy process flow, thereby saving time as well as energy of the workers. Again, the assemblies of the organization are also kept in a well-arranged way, so that the employees can gain easy access to them as and when needed. On the one hand, it can be seen that the cutting table and the saw are kept in one place. On the other hand, other equipments needed for the production, such as routers and shapers are neatly arranged in another section of the work area. This facility layout is a very convenient one, as it helps the employees handle the materials, such as the equipments or the products, in an efficient way. This orderly and simple mode of arrangement helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees. From the case study, the reason behind the timely delivery of the products by Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd can be understood (Hasan et al. 2012). Again, the furnishing as well as the painting activities of Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd are all performed in the environmentally controlled area, located at the rear of the rear of the facility area. Hence, it is analyzed and understood that the area of production reflects the organizations sustainability efforts, and the products are designed in a manner, so that its production process does not lead to environmental degradation. However, the layout no matter how much favorable for smooth and effective operation of business activities, it should be remembered that the space utilization aspect of the layout has not been taken into account. It has been understood from the case study that the standard and the custom cabinets are manufactured in the same place, and as a result, the same space, as well as machinery and equipment are required for the prod uction of both the kinds of products. Consequently, the craftsmen have hard time, in operating the manufacturing activities. This leads to delay in the manufacturing process, because the processing time is delayed. Hence, it can be concluded that the organization is in need of good production control system, if it wants to operate its business activities in a smooth way( Sharma and Singhal 2014). The operational activities of an organization play an integral role in determining the success or the failure of the organization. Because of the stiff competition in the market, Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has resolved to focus on its capacity of generating revenue and maximizing its earnings. From the case study, it has been understood that the standardized kitchen cabinets produced by Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd contribute to only 25% of its revenue, and further it generates 40% of the total factory revenue (Su et al. 2013). Again, as a result, the remaining amount of revenue of the factory is contributed by the custom kitchen cabinets, Hence, for the sake of enhancing its profitability, the organization decided to focus on the production of custom kitchens, as it was found to be much beneficial. The custom made kitchen cabinets generates as much as 75% of the revenue, and hence the organization focused primarily on the production of the same. As the organization started enjoying greater reputation, followed by higher sales growth, different low volume contracts were signed by the organization. As a result, the organization started supplying the standardized kitchen cabinets to the small spec builders. In accordance with the contracts, the organization started manufacturing a very specific range of kitchen cabinets ranging from single to five kitchen specifications. Beside this, Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has started laying more rigid regulations on the time of delivery. Again, the consumers of the standardized kitchen cabinets were also much price sensitive as compared with the customized kitchen cabinet buyers (Bae et al. 2012). In the last few years, it has been observed that there has been a remarkable growth in the sale of the builders line of kitchens. As a result of greater profit-making capacity, this line of kitchens has been largely prioritized by Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd. However, it should be noted here that according to the accountant of the organization, the sale of these products are not generating as much profit as it is expected to. The main reason behind this has been accounted to the rising cost of standard builders. It was being observed that the lead time meant for the production of standardized as well as custom made kitchen has been largely increasing. The problem actually lay in the fact that the craftsmen, machinery as well as the equipment for the production of both the types of the kitchen cabinets are the same, and as a result the processing time remarkably increases. Because of the pile ups, the delivery system was terribly affected. It can be understood that the location chosen by the organization for the purpose of manufacture is not capable to fulfill the demands and the requirements of the buyers. It should be understood that if the organization aspires to sustain itself in future, it must be able to address as well as find a solution to the bottlenecks of the operation system of the factory (Heizer et al. 2013). An organization, for the smooth operation of its business activities, depends largely on a strong and effective financial structure. By the term financial structure is implied the mixture of the long-term debt as well as the equity that an organization uses in order to finance its operations. As a result, the importance of the role of a financial manager cannot be overstated, as he is solely responsible for deciding the total amount of money to be borrowed, as well as to evaluate the most effective way of managing the capital structure of the organization (Fan et al. 2012). In case Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd intends to sustain itself in future, it must be able to introduce an effective financial structure. In the case of Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd, it is evident from the case study that the organizations decision to produce builders kitchen is largely affecting the profitability and the financial structure of the organization. The move to manufacture the builders structure is badly affecting the operational activities of the organization, and hence, it is also affecting the financial structure of the organization. Since the cost of the standard builders has been increasing, the organization will be required to invest an enormous amount of money for the raw materials inventory, finished products as well as work in progress. Because of the increasing amount of production coast and labor cost, the total operational cost of the organization will also remarkably increase, that in turn will reducing the amount of net profit. With the ever-increasing demand of the standardized kitchen cabinets in the consumer market, the requirement of the raw material inventory is also increasing. In case the stock will increase, there will be a remarkable decline in the gross profit of the organization (Oakland 2014). Again, similarly in case there is a greater demand of inventory, the need for space in the warehouse will also increase. Now, no gain in stating the fact that the re nt of a warehouse is charged monthly and hence this would imply an increase in the total operational cost of the organization. Consequently, the net profit of the organization will be remarkably reduced. As a result of the sudden decrease in the amount of gross profit and net profit, the financial position of the organization as indicated in the Profit and Loss Account as well as the Balance Sheet, of the organization will also not be attractive enough to draw the attention of the stakeholders (Arnold 2014). It has been observed from the case study that the organization is suffering from a variety of operational deficiencies, and as a result the operational activities of the organization are getting largely affected. Although there has been a rising demand as the sale growth of the customized kitchen cabinets is increasing fast, yet the profitability of the organization is not remarkably increasing. Although the factory layout is suiting the present business needs of the organization, Fung Chen must ensure that the existing manufacturing capacity of the organization is not pushed beyond the limits. He must ensure that there is a possibility of future expansion. In addition to these, Fung Chen should also make sure that the organization does not make the late deliveries, as they definitely dissatisfy the consumers. Further, Fung Chen also must undertake a variety of steps so as to reduce the rising cost of production. Reference List: Arnold, G., 2014.Corporate financial management. Pearson Higher Ed. Bae, S. and Kwasinski, A., 2012. Dynamic modeling and operation strategy for a microgrid with wind and photovoltaic resources.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,3(4), pp.1867-1876. Canen, A.G. and Williamson, G.H., 2013. Facility layout overview: towards competitive advantage.Facilities. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Fan, J.P., Titman, S. and Twite, G., 2012. An international comparison of capital structure and debt maturity choices.Journal of Financial and quantitative Analysis,47(01), pp.23-56. Hasan, M.A., Sarkis, J. and Shankar, R., 2012. Agility and production flow layouts: An analytical decision analysis.Computers Industrial Engineering,62(4), pp.898-907. Heizer, J., Render, P. and Zu'bi, Z., 2013. Operation Management (Arab World Edition). Hill, A. and Hill, T., 2012.Operations management. Palgrave Macmillan. Martinez-Gomez, J., NaÃÅ'Â poles-Rivera, F., Ponce-Ortega, J.M., Serna-GonzaÃÅ'Â lez, M. and El-Halwagi, M.M., 2014. Siting optimization of facility and unit relocation with the simultaneous consideration of economic and safety issues.Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research,53(10), pp.3950-3958. Oakland, J.S., 2014.Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases. Routledge. Peirson, G., Brown, R., Easton, S. and Howard, P., 2014.Business finance. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Sharma, P. and Singhal, S., 2015. Comparative analysis of procedural approaches for facility layout design using AHP approach.Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag. Slack, N., 2015.Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Su, S., Li, X., Tang, T. and Gao, Z., 2013. A subway train timetable optimization approach based on energy-efficient operation strategy.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,14(2), pp.883-893. Tano, M., Data Tec Co., Ltd., 2013.Operation management device to be mounted to a moving object, portable information terminal, operation management server, and computer program. U.S. Patent 8,421,864.
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